Friday, February 29, 2008

Time To Say Goodbye

You're probably thinking I came here today to say goodbye to Blogger. Rather, it is much worse. Toby's folks left for Haiti this week and life has not been the same since.

No more, "Hey kids! Let's go to Grandma's house," and then watching Janae's light up as she says, "Gamma!"

No more phone ringing with a Grandma calling from just 2 minutes away.

No more, "Can I have your kids for the day while you get something done?"

No more extra family close by.

I feel lonely and all alone. I forgot for the 5 months they were here that this way of life is actually normal for us... I've just got to find that normal now.


Pat VE said...

Got a neat picture and newsletter from Nels and Gail today. So glad they could be with you, but I am very sure you all will miss them. They should be back home by now.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, and I understand teh feeling! "Do not fear for I am with, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strenthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (probably not quoted perfectly) That's the verse I cling to when I am all along.

Anonymous said...

"alone".... Sorry for the typos. I am in a hurry! :)