Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Question on Ministry ::Reviewed::

Thank you to all of you that commented on my previous post concerning balancing our ministries as mothers with ministeries to other people. I appreciated each thought and word of encouragement shared and saved every one of your comments. Please feel free to continue sharing thoughts in the comment box.

I was reminded again recently at how refreshing it is to view issues in life through other's perspectives. And by each of the comments that were shared, I found myself renewed with a freshened vigor to continue my quest towards godly motherhood and to view that as my ministry today.

I was challenged to rethink my perspective on priorities and I have come away with a renewed hope and joy. The result of this entire discussion has multiplied in more than one blessing and I can joyfully say that "there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."

The previous post "A Question on Ministry" has been modified here. What is your perspective on how a busy fulltime mom of young children should venture into the opportunities of ministering outside her home? Feel free to share.


Jean said...

One ministry that all of the Lord's people may be involved in from a small to large degree is "prayer".
"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

We may never know this side of eternity how much our prayers were used in certain situations to bring blessing to others.

Prayers need not be long disortations but may be short petitions to our Lord who knows all about every situation.

So "Busy Mother" you may pray for others.

Anonymous said...

Courtney. I struggle with this very issue myself. I work full time and I am a single mom to my children. I can not take on another burden without taking away from my children. I do volunteer in nursery at church and yes, I pray.